Akashic Records Levels 1 , 2,3 Trainings


My next Level 1 is to be arranged in October 2024

Your investment £550

October 2024

an On-Line class and in person classes

Please contact me for more details

alanpurves777@yahoo.co.uk or Tel +447598937325

Details below of the teachings covered


Next class will be in January/February 2025 , please register your interest for more details

For those wishing to take our Level 2 Consultant training please contact me. The classes are over 4 days and your investment is £600, the next ones for 2024 will be in Manchester

The date are January/February 2025

Details below


I shall be holding a Level 3 training in 2025 the date is in January/February 2025

Venue to be arranged

The level 3 class is a very rich experience that will push you deep within, to explore. The level 1 class is all about you, the level 3 class is all about you as well but with more intensity and depth.

Please register your interest for classes

if interested please do get in touch to register you interest

Please contact me for more details

alanpurves777@yahoo.co.uk or Tel +447598937325

This class is over 4 days and your investment is £550

Details of the teachings covered below

November 2024 I shall be in teaching in Petaling Jaya Malaysia 2024

Level 1 16th to the 19th

Level 2 21th to 24th

Level 3 30th November to the 3rd of December

for more details, please get in touch with me

If you would like to join our Journey to the Heart Team in 2025 in Peru in June or join us for a retreat in Bali in September 2025 ,


Special Price includes teaching and manual, various hand outs , Attunement and certificate which allows you to participate in our Level 2 , which prepares you to become an Akashic Records Consultant . To book your place please contact me via my email


Akashic Records Level 1 ” Initiation ” Online with Zoom

The January 2025 with Alan Purves

Your investment of £550.00 includes teaching and manual, various hand outs , Attunement and certificate which allows you to participate in our Level 2 , which prepares you to become an Akashic Records Consultant . To book your place and find out more information please contact me via my email


To Reserve your place, please contact me on my email

Copies of Ernesto Ortiz’s book The Akashic Records is available from Alan

£15 including postage and packing, alanpurves777@yahoo.co.uk

Akashic Records Information

Our Akashic Records training program is designed to engage the serious spiritual seeker, the one who knows he/she has a greater mission in life. The one who knows that by sharing this oral tradition they will live his/her life dedicated to making a difference.

This training is all about YOU, your growth, your process, your personal healing and inspiration. The end results a brighter and lighter you!!

Level 1

This four day class is offered to enable YOU to experience the life transforming process of accessing your Akashic Records, thereby acquiring a tool that will forever be a source of profoundly illuminating growth, healing, and guidance.

The purpose of this class is to give participants an opportunity to learn a Sacred Prayer, opening their hearts to the Energy of Akasha and receiving access to this magnificent realm.

In the Level 1 class, we focus on how to open and access the Records for ourselves. We start with an attunement that fine-tunes the information as it is being given to us by the Masters and Teachers of Akasha, and we start to learn how to translate that information.

We begin to understand how to formulate questions that will assist in the conversation as the information is given to us. We learn the Level 1 Grace Points (points of release or action that manifest in the hands) and how these Grace Points come to support our work and progress inside the Akashic Records.

We learn how the energy of the Akashic Records can create healing in our lives, how to identify patterns, behaviours, addictions, and co-dependencies, and how we can create choices to move more freely in life from a point of clarity and guidance

 This class is offered to enable you to experience the life-transforming process of accessing your Akashic Records. Acquiring this tool that will forever profoundly illuminate your personal growth, healing and guidance.

You will learn the sacred Akashic Prayer and receive an attunement which will align you to the lineage and sacred energy of Akasha and the Masters and Teachers.

  • You will learn how to formulate questions and how best to work with the information received from your Masters and Teachers
  • Learn Level 1 Grace points
  • Receive positive spiritual guidance
  • Learn your Souls/Life purpose
  • Access Past, Present & Potential future Information
  • Release Limitations. Patterns & Beliefs through Grace
  • Empower Yourself to transform Relationships, Career & Other Life Issues
  • Access Peace as a way of Life
  • * Accessing our own Akashic Records will open and unlock many doors of your emotional being ,allowing to see perhaps for the first time your true and authentic self
    The Masters and Teachers come from a place of unconditional Love and non-judgement to help you on your Soul’s journey and to help you reach your full potential
  • How to use the Akashic Record with other modalities
  • NOTE: Suggested reading for the classes:
    The Akashic Records ~ Sacred Wisdom for Transformation by Ernesto Ortiz
    Available from Alan
  • Prices for Level 1 £550

LEVEL 2 Classes in 2025 In Person classes £600 January /February venue to be arranged

In the Level 2 4 day class you learn to open the Akashic Records for others. As in Level 1, we will work with the art of translation of the information received from our Masters and Teachers, and we will become attuned to the essence of pure Love, Light, and the  Energy of Akasha.

This three-day class gives you the opportunity to deepen into your personal healing and add to the experience from Level 1 as you enter the sacred space of another seeker to access their Akashic Records. This experience in many cases is life transforming for the individuals receiving the information.

This class offers you the opportunity to fine-tune your reception of information, as you not only receive information but also share it through the power of the spoken word. In working with others, you will be opening to receive the information in ways that you have not experienced before. You set yourself in the mode of pure and unconditional service to others and give the information as you receive it. This is the perfect time to open to sight, sound, taste, feelings, and emotions as you share what you get, and is often a time to invite loved ones to come in and communicate unfinished business, express love, or ask for forgiveness and resolution with the person you are reading for.

This is a powerful class that will help you to open the Akashic Records of Animals, sacred sites, nature, buildings and more.

You will learn the Level 2 Grace Points, how to deal with patterns of interference, how to formulate better questions, how to create Sacred space, and additional meditations to increase your own vibrational frequency.

During this class you will also be able to work with fellow consultants as you team up and practice opening the Akashic Records for each other. You will have the opportunity to have your Records read and, in the process, validate your own answers.

  • LEVEL 2
  • In the Level 2 class you learn to open the Akashic Records for others. As in Level 1, we will work with the art of translation of the information received from our Masters and Teachers, and we will become attuned to the essence of pure Love, Light, and the energy of Akasha.
    This class gives you the opportunity to deepen into your personal healing and add to the experience from Level 1 as you enter the sacred space of another seeker to access their Akashic Records. This experience in many cases is life transforming for the individuals receiving the information.
    The Level 2 class offers you the opportunity to fine-tune your reception of information, as you not only receive information but also share it through the power of the spoken word. In working with others, you will be opening to receive the information in ways that you have not experienced before. You set yourself in the mode of pure and unconditional service to others and give the information as you receive it. This is the perfect time to open to sight, sound, taste, feelings, and emotions as you share what you get, and is often a time to invite loved ones to come in and communicate unfinished business, express love, or ask for forgiveness and resolution with the person you are reading for.
    This is a powerful class that will help you to open the Akashic Records of Animals, sacred sites, nature, buildings and more.
    You will learn the Level 2 Grace Points, how to deal with patterns of interference, how to formulate better questions, how to create Sacred space, and additional meditations to increase your own vibrational frequency.
    During this class you will also be able to work with fellow consultants as you team up and practice opening the Akashic Records for each other. You will have the opportunity to have your Records read and, in the process, validate your own answer.


In the level 3  4 day class we get more in depth into the Art of Questioning and deepen into ancestral healing. In all classes we explore habitual patterns, we primarily focus on our personal healing, and we work to release old wounds and pains that keep us from manifesting our magnificence.

The level 3 class is a very rich experience that will push you deep within, to explore. The level 1 class is all about you, the level 3 class is all about you as well but with more intensity and depth.

You will learn how to address “Imaginal Cells” these are cells in hiding within the DNA and their function is to hold you back. The imaginal cell work is powerful and self-liberating. In addition, we will do the most beautiful and simply, but very powerful practice called Feeding your Demons. Now you will have the opportunity to change any pattern, any condition that is holding you back, any and all fears we put in the demon seat and change the relationship from a demon to an ally.

The Akashic Records Level 3 class is an integration of the previous two classes we deepen into the Akashic Records experience. This class is about YOU, and the deep personal healing that is possible once you get way below the surface and into the root system of the self. This system is what feeds you, what gives you nourishment and is active within the self – 24 hrs a day. It is part of the subconscious and the unconscious, and the subconscious programming and robotic responses that we carry within the self.

My next Level 3 class will be in February/March 2025 dates and venue to be finalised .

This is a powerful integration of the first two classes that will open you up and get you ready for the Dragonfly level which Level 4

